Paraverse Technology Releases Groundbreaking White Paper on Decentralized Operations and Trading Platforms for 3D Digital Assets
HONG KONG, November 15, 2023 — Paraverse Technology Limited (“Paraverse”), a leading international pioneer in digital parallel world technology, announces the release of the white paper, Paraverse: A Decentralized Operation and Trading Platform for 3D Digital Assets, developed in collaboration with industry organizations and 3D/XR and Web3.0 experts. The paper delves into the revolutionary concept of “Digital Parallel World” and presents a full-stack technical solution for 3D applications in the Web3.0 era.
Highlights of the White Paper:
- Analyzes the revolutionary innovation of combining Metaverse and Web3.0 technologies, showcasing a full-stack technical solution for 3D applications in the Web3.0 era;
- Explores how to reshape the production relationships in the 3D industry based on blockchain, building value co-creation and sustainable development communities, and
- Introduces the world’s first decentralized real-time rendering network, distributed verification storage, and encrypted operation system for large-scale 3D assets.
The “Digital Parallel World”, an intelligent decentralized 3D information system, merges the virtual and real worlds to create an internet medium characterized by fairness and transparency. It integrates the media form of the “Metaverse” and the decentralized mode of operation, fully absorbing the achievements of technological revolutions such as spatial computing, cloud computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. It provides the public with a truly 3D, highly immersive, and interactive sensory experience, as well as an economic activity experience centered around data ownership, traceability, fairness, and transparency.
This white paper provides a comprehensive analysis of Paraverse’s decentralized real-time cloud rendering technology and the Web3 trading platform for 3D digital assets. It provides insights on technical routes, product design, and community development for unlocking the interactive gateway of decentralized 3D applications.
Web3.0 Era Full-Stack Technology Solutions for 3D Applications
The White Paper introduces in detail the Web3.0 era full-stack technology solution for 3D applications. By integrating cutting-edge technologies from the metaverse and Web3.0, including real-time cloud rendering, cloud-native architecture, blockchain, and other foundational technologies, Paraverse has successfully developed ParaLab, a decentralized real-time cloud rendering platform, and ParaHere, a Web3 transaction circulation platform designed specifically for 3D applications. These platforms enable enterprises and developers to rapidly establish a robust parallel world cloud technology infrastructure and facilitate seamless digital asset transactions based on the principles of Web3.
Redefining 3D Industry Production and Building a “Co-Creation” Economic Ecosystem
The 3D industry faces a number of difficulties that are impeding its overall growth, including fragmented content production, cooperation issues, and asset ownership problems. This leads to information silos, resource waste, and ineffective intellectual property rights management. Paraverse addresses these issues by leveraging blockchain technology to empower the 3D content ecosystem. Through a decentralized network, Paraverse aims to establish a “co-creation” economic ecosystem, connecting creators and consumers to transform the production dynamics of the 3D industry and drive ecosystem prosperity.
To achieve this vision, a substantial amount of 3D content and diverse application scenarios are essential. The White Paper outlines the pivotal role of Paraverse as a versatile real-time cloud rendering platform. Apart from offering the foundational technology platform, Paraverse unites enterprises and developers in various roles, including 3D asset providers, application developers, and AI capability drivers, fostering a diverse ecosystem that forms a robust foundation for the 3D content industry’s growth and facilitates global collaboration and innovation.
Introducing Lark Network, the World’s First Decentralized Rendering Network and Decentralized Authentication Storage and Encryption Running System for Large 3D Assets
Paraverse leverages the decentralized nature of blockchain to develop its revolutionary decentralized rendering network, Lark Network, ensuring higher rendering speeds, system stability, and scalability. This network allows all nodes to become rendering nodes, enabling users to contribute to and be rewarded for their computing power. Additionally, Paraverse facilitates the uplinking of large-scale 3D assets through off-chain running and on-chain entitlement and tracking solutions, creating a more efficient and secure 3D asset transaction platform. The White Paper emphasizes the significance of merging Web 3.0 technologies with 3D content ecosystems to propel the construction of the next-generation Internet. As decentralized technologies evolve, Paraverse anticipates a more innovative and sustainable digital media and economic ecosystem. As decentralized technologies evolve, Paraverse anticipates a more innovative and sustainable digital media and economic ecosystem. Paraverse is eager to work with 3D asset providers, capability providers, and application developers to advance the 3D industry made possible by Web 3.0 technology and contribute to the future of the digital parallel world through ParaDao.
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Access the White Paper: English Version and Simplified Chinese Version
About Paraverse Technology Limited
Paraverse is a leading international pioneer in the realm of digital parallel world technology. They redefine the construction and operation of parallel worlds by offering enterprises and developers a globally leading decentralized real-time cloud rendering platform and a Web3 transaction platform designed for XR applications and 3D digital assets. With cutting-edge technologies such as real-time cloud rendering, cloud-native architecture, and blockchain integration, Paraverse enables users to swiftly access the metaverse, establish essential services for Web3-based digital asset transactions, lower entry barriers for end-users venturing into the metaverse, and drive a thriving ecosystem for creators. Their mature products and solutions are widely applied to various industries such as education and training, digital twin, medical rehabilitation, virtual live streaming, AI-powered digital humans, cloud events, and online gaming scenarios. Since 2016, Paraverse has attracted nearly 1,000 enterprise users and tens of thousands of independent developers from around the world. They continue to serve users with innovative technology, stable and convenient products, and rich scene ecosystems to promote the prosperity of the global digital economy.
https://www.paraverse.cc (English)
https://www.pingxingyun.com (Simplified Chinese)
Media Enquiry: business@paraverse.cc
香港2023年11月15日 — 隨著資訊技術的不斷演進,我們正迎來以「元宇宙」和「Web3.0」為代表的「數位平行世界」。近日平行雲科技有限公司(「Paraverse」或「平行雲」 ) 聯合3D/XR產業和Web3.0領域的行業機構、專家發佈了《Paraverse: 面向3D數字資產的去中心化運行與交易平臺》(以下簡稱「白皮書」),全面解構了未來主流媒介形態——「數位平行世界」的構建和運行方式,並提供面向3D應用的Web3.0時代全鏈路技術方案。
- 剖析元宇宙+Web3.0兩大技術領域相結合的革命性創新,展示面向3D應用的Web3.0時代全鏈路技術方案;
- 闡述如何基於區塊鏈重塑3D產業生產關係,建設價值共創的經濟生態,和可持續發展的社區;
- 介紹全球首創的去中心化即時渲染網路與大型3D資產分散式驗證存儲與加密運行系統;
3D產業現實中存在一系列問題,如3D內容生產碎片化、合作困難、資產確權難等,這些問題限制了其繁榮和全面發展。 這些問題導致了不同3D內容創作者和開發者之間的資訊孤立和資源浪費,以及無法有效管理和保護智慧財產權的挑戰。 Paraverse通過區塊鏈技術賦能3D內容生態,建立了一個創新性的解決方案。 它利用去中心化網路連接建設者和消費者,構建一個「共創」經濟生態,旨在實現3D產業生產關係的重塑,以促進生態的繁榮。
實現這一願景,首先需要大量的3D內容和成熟的應用場景作為基礎。 只有擁有豐富的3D內容和多樣的應用場景,區塊鏈技術才能充分發揮其潛力。 白皮書詳細闡述了Paraverse作為通用型即時雲渲染平臺的關鍵作用,在提供底層技術平臺之上,Paraverse彙集了各種角色的企業和開發者,包括3D資產供應商、3D應用開發者以及AI能力驅動者等等,這種多樣性的生態系統為3D內容產業的繁榮創造了堅實基礎,促進了跨界合作和創新。
在渲染網路層,Paraverse充分利用區塊鏈的分散式帳本和去中心化的特性,自研去中心化分散式渲染網路—Lark Network,實現了更高的渲染速度和系統穩定性和擴充性,同時提供所有節點都可以成為渲染節點的支援,使「用戶通過貢獻算力獲得報酬」成為可能。
白皮書強調了Web 3.0技術與3D內容生態的結合對於加速構建下一代互聯網的重要性,隨著去中心化技術的不斷演進,我們有望迎來更具創新性和可持續性的數字媒體和經濟生態。 Paraverse期待與更多3D資產提供方、能力提供方、應用開發方基於去中心化的平行世界技術底座緊密合作,參與Web 3.0技術賦能3D產業的發展,加入ParaDao共同決定數位平行世界的未來。
關於Paraverse Technology Limited平行雲科技有限公司
「Paraverse平行雲」是國際領先的數位平行世界技術領域先行者,致力於重新定義平行世界的構建和運行 ,為企業和開發者提供全球領先的去中心化的實時雲渲染平臺,和適用於XR應用及3D數字資產的Web3交易流轉平臺。 通過整合元宇宙與Web3.0兩大前沿方向涉及的實時雲渲染、雲原生、區塊鏈等底層技術,平行雲幫助使用者快速開啟通往元宇宙的通道,建立基於Web3的數字資產交易基礎服務,降低終端用戶進入元宇宙的門檻,驅動更加繁榮的創作者生態。